1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the packmates.org moderators.

  1. You must be at least 18 years old.
  2. Do not post NSFW content of characters that are underage or which could easily be mistaken as such.
  3. Your account handle, name, avatar and profile must be SFW and not include shocking, disturbing or controversial content.
  4. You may not use packmates to post or share content that glorifies, advocates for or supports content such as: racism, hate speech, LGBTQ+ phobia, bigotry, authoritarianism, nazism, etc...
  5. Flag and add a content warning to media and posts that are NSFW, triggering, controversial, divisive, etc.
  6. Packmates users can post real photos and videos with NSFW content as long as they are related to themselves in some way and any third parties who have not given consent are blurred out. Yes: naked selfie. No: irl porn found on the internet.
  7. Do not use packmates for: call-outs, finger-pointing, uncivil discussion, trolling, accusations, expressions of hate, etc... Especially targeting other people, collectives, or small projects. Example: "People who do petplay are fucking disgusting", "FYI @xxx is $*%#, block me if you talk to them"
  8. An exception to the above rule can be made for statements that are not truly hostile ("ahrg, I hate this new XYZ, so frustrating") or which are very general, broad or target major publicly known individuals. Eg. "I hate spaghetti", "I hate Elon Musk", "I hate capitalism".
  9. If you don't like something or feel triggered, consider just blocking or filtering instead of engaging with unsolicited replies. Block and report if it violates any rules at packmates or the originating instance.
  10. Do not post or share details, locations, photos or other personal identifiable information about someone without their consent.
  11. Do not use packmates to post / share content that is illegal (jurisdiction: Germany) or to encourage, plan / hint at breaking the law.
  12. Parody accounts are currently not permitted. Please message @Wander first if you want to create a non-personal account such as for a bot, your guild, your clan, your organization, etc.
  13. Personal accounts can be used to announce and promote your small and personal business in a reasonable frequency and without using hyperbole, alarm or overly emphatic sales-speech. Eg. announcing commissions, announcing a new release of your app, announcing your etsy creations, etc.
  14. Above all: be kind and enjoy your stay! At packmates we value kindness, being mindful of others and using your account in a constructive manner (eg. sharing your art, interacting with friends, talking about your projects and hobbies and avoiding toxic drama or disruptive behavior).
  15. IMPORTANT: when signing up, please explain why you would like to join. Account activation might take much less but could take up to 24-48h.